created and copyright by kai p. uecker (aka xistence imaginations) 2008(c)

Mittwoch, 12. November 2008

The great zzzappp or 'i must have a bad karma'

You know what is 'great'? If your computer decides not to work anymore. I mean, nothing, nada, not at all.
Yesterday my main system crashed, and i can just guess : computers might feel bad if they are near me, so they decide to suicide (i'm a living EMP-Weapon).
As a result i have a) a heatsource less during these colder days, b) i save money 'cuz i don't use so much energy (yay!) and c) some of my projects will be delayed for an unknown time (unless i got a new computer and guess : yes, no money for that right now).

Following projects are delayed :
- xMDK (as i need two systems for testing purposes and stuff and, damn, i was so close to an alpha version...)
- DIU/xenesis (as i was during a backup when the system crashed, don't know when i can transfer the data from my HD's to my laptop).

TDM goes on, as i work with it directly on my laptop.

Comment of the day about that : bleh!

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