created and copyright by kai p. uecker (aka xistence imaginations) 2008(c)

Freitag, 12. Juni 2009


During the work on 'the digital messiah', 'Diu' and other related projects, i spent a lot of time for defining rules and directives for the design. Design doesn't just mean the optical part, it is also related to the 'functional' parts. So these directives not just define 'how' something should look like, it furthermore explains 'why'.
So the Diu-sign is shoulder to shoulder to the definition of the world Diu.
Diu-sign will be the base for all designs and/or artworks related to 'Diu', 'the digital messiah' or comparable. Later on (as for an release of 'the digital messiash') the Diu-sign, bundled as a documentation, should be there to help those trying to create stuff in the direction of a 'digital world' (or for 'the digital messiah' itself if the want).

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