created and copyright by kai p. uecker (aka xistence imaginations) 2008(c)

Montag, 29. September 2008


Shortly in DIU there were rumors about a special program which is called 'Moebius'. Regarding to the rumors it must be a kind of transport, but a very special one as such a transport could normally not exists.
It works like a perpetuum mobile as this program uses its own energy again and again.

(I dedicate this little design in full respect to Jean 'Moebius' Giraud, a great Artist, Designer and my all time favourite, who also made many great designs for films like Tron, Fifth Element and even some stuff in Alien. I wish i would have just a little bit of his skills!)

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

I suppose motion could be 100% efficient in a superconducting computer...

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