created and copyright by kai p. uecker (aka xistence imaginations) 2008(c)

Dienstag, 2. September 2008

xistence imagi..what?

Some might wonder about that name (not many i would guess, therefore i would need more then just 2 readers, myself and someone who accidentally arrived here after searching for a pr0n-site (which could also be me... hmmmm)).
If you are curious about it, here are some facts:
'xistence' is my alltime nickname, used in most cases of being/working online. Beside of that 'alter ego', i use 'xistence imaginations'. For one reason as it has more letters, for the other reason as it acts as a sort of artist-name/branding/logo/blah. That said, you'll find it on most stuff i created or worked on. I use 'xi' as shortcut to it, also there is a specific logo. There is much room to play with this name-construction and to create lots of variations.
So don't be afraid if you watch into the mirror the next morning and you have 'x'-eyes after reading my blog the night before. Take two aspirin, wait two days and it will go away. Then come back here.

So if you stumble over 'xistence' it could be me (but don't have to, seems some didn't got the memo that i own that nickname), and if you find something related to 'xistence imaginations' it should be me (otherwise someone stole my name, grrrr).

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