created and copyright by kai p. uecker (aka xistence imaginations) 2008(c)

Dienstag, 2. September 2008


Some might wonder about the fact that i do programming. 'Doesn't someone need to be intelligent and being able to think logical?'. For sure, but anyway i do programming, and sometimes i really create something.
Right now i have some tools, but actually i'm looking for good places to store these apps for download. The problem is that among the 1000000000000 internet-pages (where 999999999992 are just pr0n-sites) there are not many good sites to store such data w/o giving the host all of your money, your account number, your first born baby and your soul.
But as soon i found a good place i'll will put up some download-links here so you can d/l and test these apps, and for sure, crap up your pc. Naah, they should work stabil and nice, but for sure you should prepare yourself for bad cases and you should give me feedback about any bug you can find (or put the bug into a briefcase and send it to me).

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